Archive for January, 2012
Monday, January 16th, 2012
Art is working with magic, and bridges the sense and super sensible worlds.
It will lead us across the threshold and therefore it becomes necessary to realize what we are about.
__Rudolf Steiner , from The Being of the Arts. 1909
Monday, January 16th, 2012
I enjoy watching transition in nature. Clouds in the sky are all different from each other.
While watching the clouds, I realize I am seeing beyond the clouds. I may be focusing on the clouds, but my mind is immersed in something else (…)
When you achieve a calm feeling by finding yourself intregrated into nature, you will develop a respect and humbleness towards the whole universe.
You will be enveloped in a deep sensibility of the universe, and the earth you are placed on.
__ Yamamoto Masao, 2009